South Florida Foreclosure Lawyers

At the law firm of Jacqueline Salcines, P.A we handle homeowner foreclosure defense, both commercial and residential borrowers. As part of our defense, we handle sale cancellations in Miami, Broward, Monroe  and West Palm Beach County.  Our real estate and foreclosure experience has been obtained by working with borrowers, in both the mortgage and real estate arena, to represent them in litigation involving foreclosures and loss mitigation options.

Florida Residential Real Estate Law

With foreclosures in Miami Dade and Broward on the rise,  many homeowners face upcoming foreclosure sales and do not know that they have options to stop the foreclosure sale.  Foreclosure sales can be cancelled based on a number of factors including:

  • Pending loan modifications
  • Pending short sale
  • Pending deed in lieu
  • Wrongful final judgment
  • Probate matters-death of borrower
  • Lack or erroneous service of the complaint against you
  • Opportunity to negotiate sums due the condominium association
  • CFPB regulations
  • Settlement of debt
  • Reinstatement

If the foreclosure auction sale is the first time up after final judgment, the court judges in Miami Dade, Broward and Palm Beach usually allow an additional 120 days for the homeowner to obtain the desired loan modifications, short sale or other result.  If it is not the first time up for foreclosure sale, the typical extension is between 60 and 90 days.

The most important thing a homeowner can do is hire an attorney to draft, file and argue the motion for them. Constantly we see realtors in court fighting for their clients. However, the realtors are ill prepared to argue law or fight the plaintiff’s counsel.  That is where our experience and knowledge is put to the test and benefits the homeowner.

If you need assistance to stop the foreclosure sale of your property, call us today.

 Or email attorney Jacqueline Salcines directly at J.Salcines@Salcineslaw.com.