With its single taxation for residents, homestead exemption protection, booming tourism ,and wonderful climate, Florida has long been a desirable state for real estate investors.

Florida is also a tax-friendly state for real estate investors, providing one more reason to put your property investment dollars in the Sunshine State. Here’s what you need to know about Florida’s tax laws as a real estate investor, as well as an overview of how Florida’s tax system works for real estate investing.

Florida Income Tax on Real Estate Investing

Alongside Nevada, South Dakota, Washington, Wyoming, Alaska, and Texas, Florida does not collect personal income tax. That doesn’t mean you won’t pay income tax to the IRS for federal taxes, but it does mean you will  pay less overall income tax in Florida.   Even if you don’t live in Florida, you can benefit from the state’s lack of income tax as a foreign investor in real estate.  Here’s how:

When conducting real estate transactions, collecting rent, or earning commercial property dividends from a Florida real estate investment, you will be taxed at the state’s franchise rate if you operate as a “C” type corporation. You can get around this by filing as an “S” corporation, but there are still easier ways to escape business taxes in Florida.

#1 Sole Proprietorships and Partnerships

Sole proprietorships are defined as businesses owned by a single individual, and in Florida there is no distinct business or corporate tax on sole proprietors. And since there is no income tax leveraged on individuals in Florida, you can invest in real estate as a sole proprietor without paying state income tax.

The same goes for partnerships; Florida does not leverage a state-specific tax on partnerships. And while most states tax the revenue generated from partnerships, Florida does not. This means you can invest in Florida real estate as either a sole proprietor or partnership without paying state income tax.

#2 LLC

Though perhaps a little more confusing, operating as an LLC in Florida can still afford real estate investors the benefit from Florida’s lack of an individual income tax. But, the LLC has to be setup properly to enjoy this tax benefit.

To form an LLC in Florida while living in another state, you’ll need an agent living in Florida to serve as a “resident agent”. If your LLC is composed of multiple members, it will usually be treated as a partnership for tax purposes, meaning you will not pay state income tax. Furthermore, if you are the only owner in your LLC, it will be treated as a “disregarded entity”, and you won’t pay state income tax.

Be aware, though, that it’s possible to setup an LLC so that it’s treated as a corporation under Florida’s tax code, which would result in paying Florida taxes. So, use a professional to setup your LLC to avoid paying Florida income tax.

Watch Out for These Complications

Florida’s lack of a personal income tax makes it a great place for real estate investors to conduct business. However, there are a few ways this picture can be complicated by external factors.

First off, depending on what state you live in, your state may leverage an income tax on income generated out of state, even if that income comes from a non-taxable legal entity in Florida.

Similarly, if the legal entity that you’ve formed to operate in Florida conducts business in other states, you may fall victim to “nexus” based taxes. “Nexus” exists when a business operates in more than one state, and the rules and regulations for businesses that fall into this category are extremely complicated. Again, consult tax and legal professionals before doing anything relating to taxes and real estate investing.

Things To Consider Regarding Out-of-State Real Estate Investing

From a tax perspective, there are numerous benefits for real estate investors in Florida. But if you live outside of Florida, there are logistic concerns to keep in mind.

Anytime you invest in real estate outside your home area, you need to do a great deal of out-of-town research to learn where to purchase investment properties. Plus, from a financial perspective, managing properties and tenants from long distance can be impractical, besides dramatically cut into your profits.

The solution, then, is to use a real estate attorney and local realtor.

There are major tax benefits for real estate investors in Florida, compared to most every other state.

If you are interested in real estate investing in Florida, consult with us today  to learn how you can take advantage of Florida’s tax laws. Hopefully, you can significantly increase your profits by avoiding state income tax in Florida.

By navigating around the tax laws and benefits of investing in Florida,  we are here to help you.

We offer free phone consultations, and a no cost review of your case. 

Call us today at 305.669.5280 and see how we can help you.

About the Author:

Jacqueline A. Salcines, Esq is the Owner and Managing Partner of the Law Offices of Jacqueline A. Salcines, P.A. Real Estate and Business Law Group. With over 20 years experience including holding a dual degree in Accounting, her broad knowledge of REAL ESTATE LAW serves to aggressively protect and defend our firm’s clients, foreign investors, real estate buyers and sellers.

Call us today to set up a  free consultation to discuss your specific needs. We are here for you!

Main office 305 | 669 | 5280. Or email the attorney directly: J.Salcines@Salcineslaw.com