Foreclosure After Forbearance – Hurricane Defaults


If you live in Florida, or any of the States affected by Hurricane Irma, and  requested a forbearance back in September, you may have noticed that many banks did not honor their deals.  Many banks verbally confirmed with borrowers that they could delay payment of their mortgage payments, some for six months, and that there would be no interest or late fees ch​arged.  However, when many borrowers receive a mortgage statement six months later, asking for the full amounts due, plus late fees and interest, many borrowers find themselves in a predicament, unable to make the payments.

Instead of assisting borrowers and homeowners with their mortgages after a natural disaster, many lenders are quickly filing foreclosures, and not honoring defaulted loan modifications under the Making Home Affordable Program.  Lenders such as Carrington Mortgage and PNC are two of them.

If you have received a default notice or your bank has not honored the terms of the mortgage forbearance, there is hope.

At the Jacqueline A. Salcines PA we have a great success rate negotiating the past due mortgages and forbearances with lenders.  Attorney Jacqueline Salcines has over 18 years experience negotiating debt settlements for our clients, including violations of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act.  You do not have to file for bankruptcy in order to get out of this Dyck O’Neal debt.  Allow us to go to work for you and negotiate your debt.

We offer free phone consultations, and a no cost review of your case.
Call us today at 305.669.5280 and see how we can help you.

Main office 305 | 669 | 5280. Or email the attorney directly: