If your home or business suffered damage from Hurricane Irma, that affected both your income and ability to pay the mortgage, you are not alone. Thousands of homeowners and business owners across the state experienced the same loss to property and businesses due to Hurricane Irma. While many banks, creditors and agencies granted moratoriums on foreclosures, and agreed to waive late fees or even granted forbearances for 90 days, the time has run. Many homeowners are still not able to get back on their feet and have defaulted on their mortgage and mortgage balances.

If you are one of these homeowners that is now unable to catch up and pay your mortgage,  you need to act fast so that the mortgagee or creditor does not foreclose or file a suit. Late payments and past due default or debt can be negotiated and a suit avoided.  In order to have a successful negotiation and settlement you need a knowledgeable attorney on  your side.

In practice for over 18 years, many of these years have been spent defending foreclosures for client and  negotiating mortgage debt, and credit card debt for our clients.

Allow our extensive experience working with mortgage lenders and creditors to go to work for you.

We offer free phone consultations, and a no cost review of your case. 

Call us today at 305.669.5280 and see how we can help you.

About the Author:

Jacqueline A. Salcines, Esq is the Owner and Managing Partner of the Law Offices of Jacqueline A. Salcines, P.A. Real Estate and Business Law Group. With over 18 years experience including holding a dual degree in Accounting, her broad knowledge of DEBT SETTLEMENT serves to aggressively protect and defend our firm’s clients.

Call us today to set up a  free consultation to discuss your specific needs. We are here for you!

Main office 305 | 669 | 5280. Or email the attorney directly: