Is your foreclosure sale fast approaching? Is your loan modification not yet approved? Is your short sale still not approved, or worse, do not have a contract yet? We can help.
At the law offices of Jacqueline Salcines, p.a. we have been assisting homeowners with their mortgage and foreclosure defense for over 15 years. As both an accountant and real estate lawyer, Jacqueline Salcines, esq. Is well equipped to navigate the foreclosure waters and obtain a cancellation of your sale.
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) has issued guidelines for lender to stop foreclosure sales if a loan modification has been submitted 37 days prior to the foreclosure sale. However, many times the lender does not move to cancel the sale. Therefore, it is up to the borrower to do so, through their attorney.
The courts in Florida are very liberal and grant extensions willingly. By going to court, you can expect a 90 to 120 day extension, in order to gain enough time to get the loan modification approved or the short sale approved.
Call and get your free consultation today. We can go to court and cancel your foreclosure sale and verify that you have submitted a qualified loan modification or short sale.
The first consultation is always free of charge.