Now that the deadline to submit a Home Loan Modification request under the Making Homes Affordable Program has expired (the last date for submission was December 30, 2016 and has not been extended by the Trump or Obama Administration) what will happen with all the borrowers who are again struggling to pay their mortgages?  While the program has not been keyed for renewal, like the HARP program that was extended, borrowers face a myriad of questions and concerns as to what will happen with their underwater properties.  Loan Modifications continue to prevail with other plans that are available.  Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, FHA Federal Housing Authority and even the USDA have programs that continue to exist to help underwater home loan borrowers with their default and delinquent mortgages.

Lenders continue to be understandable and are allowing homeowners to remodify their mortgage and loans under these programs that continue to exist into 2017.

Many borrowers under the HAMP program had adjustable rates which increase after the 5th year.  That would put anyone that modified their loan in 2009 or 2010 into a higher interest rate.  A mortgage default however doesn’t mean you have to lose your home. A Miami Dade Loan Modification attorney at our firm can help.

There is Hope and Help for these borrowers.  While there are strict eligibility requirements under these programs,  and it may be necessary to make sure you qualify before submitting a modification request, we are here to help.

At the Jacqueline A. Salcines, P.A, we are Miami Dade Loan Modification attorneys and keenly aware of the requirements and are able to sit with the borrowers, review their financials data, and provide solutions for their homeownership mortgage problems.  Allow my team of attorneys and accountants to go to work for you so you do not fall victim and lose your home.

At the Law Offices of Jacqueline A. Salcines, P.A., our lead real estate attorney brings over 17 years experience in the foreclosure, mortgage and real estate field as well as 22 in the accounting field. Ms. Salcines has been helping homeowners in foreclosure for over 10 years and is available by email to answer all your questions and concerns, without ever charging a consultation fee.

Call us today to set up an appointment to discuss your purchase or sale. We are here for you!

Main office 305 | 669 | 5280. Or email the attorney directly: J.Salcines@Salcineslaw.com