If you are experiencing trouble making your mortgage payments, anticipate a job loss or loss of income, or a medical condition or divorce has left you unable to make the mortgage payment, we are here to help!
At Jacqueline A. Salcines, P.A. we have been assisting borrowers with their banking and real estate needs for over 14 years.
What sets us apart, is that I listen to the client. Often a client wants to save their home and visit the law offices of an attorney whose ultimate goal and bulk of their practice is bankruptcy. With that end goal in site, they may steer the client to just “gain time,” while collecting a monthly attorney fee, to only lose their home in the end, forcing the borrower to have to file a bankruptcy.
However, at my firm, first and foremost, we evaluate the client for their ultimate wish. If the desire is to save the home with a loan modification, the client may not have the means, the income or the ability to stay in their home. Our loan modification program allows us to evaluate the mortgage balance, whether the homeowner is entitled to a principal reduction, eliminate force placed insurance, to see if the new mortgage payment is something that they can afford.
If they cannot, then there are a myriad of other options available, such as a deed in lieu of foreclosure, a short sale, a forbearance or debt settlement.
Often a second mortgage may be assumed owed, however if discharged or written off then the lender is required to file a satisfaction of mortgage. Once that is done, that m mortgage can be ignored. Or we can negotiate with the second mortgage, whether a HELOC or other line of credit, often to accept pennies on the dollar and issue a complete satisfaction of mortgage. That leaves more income to support a loan modification.
Call or email me today to see what options are available to you.
The first consult is always free of charge.