If you have received a collection notice from Dyck O’Neal, you are not alone. Thousands of borrowers are finding themselves in a bind upon receiving notice by Dyck O’Neal, that they now owe a deficiency balance to the creditor. Who is Dyck O’Neal? Dyck O’Neal is the leading nationwide purchaser, collector and servicer of real estate deficiencies for first and second mortgages, judgments and promissory notes. The company Dyck O’Neal has purchased hundreds and thousands of bad notes, deficiency judgments and bad debt and has recently begun large collection efforts against borrowers.
A deficiency judgment is the balance that remains after a short sale or foreclosure auction when the mortgage is paid off. Many borrowers hired attorneys during their foreclosures to negotiate consent judgments at or before their foreclosure trial. A proper consent judgment should contain language that the bank waives the right to collect the deficiency. If it does, then Dyck O’Neal is acting improperly to collect the debt.
Moreover, if the final judgment does contain language of the deficiency, then an assignment of the judgment to Dyck O’Neal must exist and the borrower or defendant must, by law, be made aware of that assignment. If that has not taken place, then the Dyck O’Neal collection is also improper.
Moreover, many Dyck O’Neal suits are protected under HR 87 and have one year to pursue any lawsuit.
These are just some of the many ways to avoid a Dyck O’Neal collection or lawsuit.
If you have received a collection notice or collection letter from Dyck O’Neal, contact us today. By running your case docket and investigating the language of the final judgment, we can ascertain whether the debt is collectible and valid.
At the Jacqueline A. Salcines PA we have a great success rate with these Dyck O’Neal suits, and over 18 years experience negotiating debt settlements for our clients, including violations of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act.
You do not have to file for bankruptcy in order to get out of this Dyck O’Neal debt.
Allow us to go to work for you and negotiate your debt.
We offer free phone consultations, and a no cost review of your case.
Call us today at 305.669.5280 and see how we can help you.
About the Author:
Jacqueline A. Salcines, Esq is the Owner and Managing Partner of the Law Offices of Jacqueline A. Salcines, P.A. Real Estate and Business Law Group. With over 18 years experience including holding a dual degree in Accounting, her broad knowledge of DEBT SETTLEMENT serves to aggressively protect and defend our firm’s clients.
Call us today to set up a free consultation to discuss your specific needs. We are here for you!
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