The South Florida Luxury Real Estate Market is in full swing again and for those purchasing waterfront homes, whether the prospective body of water has “bridges to bay” is of utmost importance. While many fail to consider this distinction, it is an important role for your real estate attorney or real estate agent to investigate certain facts about bridges such as:
- What are the height restrictions
- What times the bridge(s) go(es) up and down
- Is the bridge manned (i.e., will there be someone on duty at all times if you want to take your boat for a midnight stroll)
- What other restrictions are in place
Having this information prior to placing an offer to purchase a property is vital, as it could seriously restrict the enjoyment of the water and your vessel.
An experienced real estate attorney and realtor can investigate such vital information and provide you with the most accurate details in order to make an informed decision before placing an offer to purchase.
At the Jacqueline A. Salcines, Esq., you have an experienced real estate attorney by your side, to take care of these and any other issues that arise when purchasing luxury real estate.
Don’t do it alone.
Office in Coral Gables. 305 | 669 | 5280