My firm has been working on a loan modification for a client for three months now. The borrower was not your typical borrower. He had larger than typical earnings, but the house was just way upside down and needed some repairs. The mortgage balance was over $650,000.00.
Today we received the great news that our client will receive a $393,461.85 principal reduction that will be completely forgiven by the lender as long as he makes timely payments for 3 years. And, his interest rate was lowered drastically.
Through perseverance, determination, and trust, we were able to get this result and many more for our clients. Many have the means to pay and are not insolvent, but the property values are just not there. And while these loan modifications are requiring more skilled negotiations and tactics, such as preparing a report on value and repairs, the banks are listening! This case is proof of that.
If you are in need of a loan modification, your home is underwater and you owe more to the bank than what the property is worth , call us. We may be able to get you results like the one we received today.
There is no fee to qualify you. We have the same government programs to qualify you that the making home affordable program uses and we can tell you during the consultation whether you qualify or not. Then you can make the decision.
Law offices of Jacqueline A. Salcines, P.A.
706 S. Dixie Highway
Second Floor
Coral Gables, FL 33146
Tel. 305 | 669 | 5280