If you are a service member and having difficulty paying your mortgage, the Making Home Affordable Program has options available to assist you.  You may be eligible for HAMP modification if:

  • You occupied the property but were transferred to an out of area job causing a permanent change in station (PCS) order;
  • You intend to return to the home at some point in the future; and,
  • You do not own any other single family real estate

If you do own other property, you may still be eligible under HAMP modification under an expanded rental property modification option or a short sale.

The Making Home Affordable Program may offer you lower monthly payments, lower interest rates, principal forgiveness and/or principal reduction.  However, not all servicers participate.  It is crucial that we check to see if your lender participates in the plan in order to see what you qualify for.

During a consultation with attorney Jacqueline A. Salcines, Esq., we will run your numbers and see whether you qualify you for a loan modification under the HAMP Program.

If your numbers do not qualify you under the HAMP MHA program, your servicer may still participate in other in house modification programs.  We are well versed in the lender programs and can provide qualification and guidance on them.  Call today for a free, no obligation consultation with Attorney Jacqueline A. Salcines, Esq.