Does Bank of New York Mellon own your loan?
Do you owe more than your property is worth?
Are you unable to make your mortgage payments, or have stopped paying on your mortgage for over five years?
At the Jacqueline A. Salcines, P.A we represent property owners that are being sued by Bank of New York Mellon. Whether you wish to be qualified for a loan modification or a short sale or a deed in lieu, we negotiate with your lender in order to get you the best result for your situation.
What sets up apart from the rest of the Florida attorneys handling loan modification and short sales? That we qualify you BEFORE we take on your case. Before we promise you a loan modification. We want to make sure that your financial information meets the Making Homes Affordable or investor guidelines in order to take on your case. If you want to modify, and do not have enough income, we can look for contributors or other family members that can commit to contributing part of their income. If you want to short sale and earn too much money, this is by no means a reason for being disqualified for a short sale.
Even if the home is an investment or not owner occupied, or commercial, you can still short sale your property.
No office visit is required and the phone consultation is 100% free of charge. Call and speak to attorney Jacqueline A. Salcines, Esq. Today!