Realtors, homeowners, let us handle your short sales. Our proven track record of getting files negotiated under 90 days time, with as many homeowner HAFA and seller incentives as possible speaks for itself.

At the Jacqueline A. Salcines, P.A, our main goal is to protect our seller client.  If a short sale is being negotiated, often times title companies and realtors wait till the file is approved to then run title or lien searches only to have to slam on the brakes when a judgment or code enforcement lien comes up. Then it is back to the drawing table to get a lender to pick up the bill.

Since we are a law firm and specialize in real estate, as a Title Agent, Attorney and Accountant, Jacqueline A. Salcines, Esq.  runs and examines title at the beginning of the negotiation. Additionally, we partner with lien search companies providing results for liens and other matters before the file is even submitted. That gives us ample time to review what may amount to large liens or other matters against the property.

Additionally, we fight for our clients rights.  Whether it is a $20,000 incentive to be provided  to the homeowner, or a write off of the deficiency because of the primary residence,  we know what our client is entitled to and escalate the short sale to make sure they are provided.

Our staff is experienced in foreclosure prevention and foreclosure sale continuances.  We work diligently with realtors and sellers to provide updates and obtain the best results for our clients.

Call us today to see how we can help you.