You have time. That is what we all wish we had more of. However, as a homeowner in foreclosure, if you are facing a FORECLOSURE SALE DATE and think you have run out of time, you may be wrong. The bank wants you to believe that. Often, they even place fraudulent calls to the homeowner and tell them that they must be out within 24 hours. Sad and cruel but true practice.
If your home is up for sale or you just failed to obtain an attorney to represent you in a foreclosure that is now at the end of the rope, we can still almost always obtain an additional 240 days in order to process a loan modification or short sale request. Any loss mitigation attempt is considered by the court, including loan modification, forbearance, short sale, deed in lieu of foreclosure and refinance. Even a reinstatement is possible.
The most important thing is to hire counsel that will represent you in court, request the appropriate time and then pre-qualify you for the option of your choice. If you buy time but then submit a modification that does not qualify you, it does you no good. In 4 months you will be right back to square one.
At my firm, we have specialized programs in place to qualify you for HAMP or HARP or HAFA short sales. The consultation to qualify you is always free of charge and may be the difference between having a judgment against you for 20 years or saving your home and health.
Call us today for a free consultation.