Coral Gables Real Estate Litigation Lawyer

Contract disputes that result in real estate litigation are often complex, leading to legal and financial challenges. Property contracts and agreements are detailed legal documents that may contain numerous clauses that affect your rights and responsibilities. Having the support of a Coral Gables real estate litigation lawyer could significantly influence the outcome of your case. A persistent real estate attorney could help you navigate your dispute and seek the best possible outcome.

Common Real Estate Disputes

Various factors can lead to real estate litigation. A real estate litigation lawyer could help individuals in Coral Gables navigate these challenges and understand their rights.

Failure to Disclose Defects

According to state law, when a seller lists a property for sale, they must disclose any known defects that could impact its value or usability. If the buyer moves into or begins working on the property and discovers a major defect that the previous owner knew and failed to disclose, or worse, concealed from the buyer, they may be entitled to compensation from the seller. An attorney could help an owner gather evidence to prove the potential concealment of the defect and the losses it caused them.

Breach of Contract

Real estate contracts typically have clear clauses and requirements that outline the buyer’s and seller’s responsibilities and rights. Standard contracts may include elements, such as:

  • Closing dates
  • Title examination and clearance
  • Included assets
  • Financing information

If either party breaches the contract, they may face serious legal penalties. Working with a lawyer is crucial to ensuring that an individual understands the terms of the contract and the potential consequences of breaking it.

Boundary Disputes

Boundary disputes are often a challenge in real estate. When property lines are not clearly defined, or when the buyer or nearby owners do not know where these boundaries are, it can lead to various issues, such as one party using property that is not theirs or building across property lines. Failing to properly research the boundaries may make it more difficult to establish them in the future.

Title Disputes

Title disputes occur whenever there is a disagreement regarding property ownership. This can include challenges with liens or easements and direct disputes over property ownership. Legal counsel could help establish ownership and advocate for a property owner’s rights during these disputes.

If an individual is facing multiple issues simultaneously, an attorney could evaluate their legal options and recommend possible next steps.

Disputes with Real Estate Agents

Real estate agents have a duty to act in their client’s best interests. Their tasks may include:

  • Negotiating on behalf of their client
  • Presenting relevant offers to the seller
  • Advertising a property to attract customers
  • Discussing the seller’s terms with the buyer
  • Showing the seller’s property to potential buyers
  • Providing all available information to the person, especially factors that might impact the sale

If a real estate agent fails to uphold their duty, they could face legal consequences. Common scenarios include making decisions for their own benefit instead of serving their client’s best interests or failing to take necessary steps to protect their interests.

A Coral Gables attorney could review a person’s case to determine if a real estate agent breached their duty and pursue litigation to hold them accountable for their actions.

Meet With a Coral Gables Real Estate Litigation Attorney to Discuss Your Case

Dealing with property litigation can feel overwhelming, and trying to navigate real estate law without legal counsel could make the process even more difficult. A Coral Gables real estate litigation lawyer could ease your burden and ensure that your best interests are represented.

Jacqueline A. Salcines, PA is an attorney-owned title company, ensuring that your case receives the guidance and personalized attention it deserves. Reach out to our office today to discuss your real estate needs and get the support you need.